Women In Engineering

Women In Engineering

Women In Engineering (WIE) is a platform to network, acquire influential mentors, make friends for women to advance in their life & career and benefit of humanity.

Women Leadership in Oceans 2022 Chennai was held in two sessions, morning & evening.

The morning session was held in online mode in which we had women with dynamic personalities Prof. Milica Stojanovic, Prof. Ira Didenkulova, Dr. Purnima Jalihal, Prof. Ananya Sen, Dr. Nimmi Nair, Vinti Nayyar, Brandy Armstrong and Nidhi Bisla who spoke about their experiences in this male dominated field and the challenges they faced and how they overcame them, motivating several young female engineers who wish to pursue their careers in this field. The event was a union of women not only from India but around the globe who share the same feeling of fighting for what they wanted and choosing the unconventional path to achieve it along with their responsibilities in personal life as a mother, a wife and daughter-in-law; sharing their mantra of work-life balance and ups & downs they faced during their careers and what kept them going.

The evening session was in a physical mode where most of the panelists were physically present at the venue – IIT Madras Research Park, Chennai, India. Prof. K.Murali was the moderator and the panelists included Dr. Malini V. Shankar, Zdenka Willis, Dr. Timothy A. Gonsalves, Prof. V.G. Idichandy, Dr. G. Latha, Dr. Sheeja Janardhanan and Prof. Ligy Philip. The panelist shared their experiences in the oceanography field and what it felt like being the only female scientist who have lead a team of male scientists. Also the problems faced by a female student during her education specially in the higher education were discussed and how lack of facilities for a female worker at the workplace hampers her performance and are not addressed. Some of the efforts taken by the Indian Government to encourage girls for taking up higher studies in technical field were also discussed.

Date: February 23, 2022

The WIE events were hosted in hybrid mode for both virtual and physical attendees.

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Important dates

25 June 2021
Abstracts submission opening

31 August 2021
Deadline for tutorial proposals CLOSED

06 15 September 2021
Deadline for abstract submission

30 October 2021
Opening registration

31 October 2021
Acceptance notification

30 November 2021
Student poster acceptance notification

30 December 2021
Final paper upload and registration deadline

10 January 2022
Deadline for early bird registration fee